Small business loans for women business owners

How to start own business with woman business loan

I am women who trying to start own business. Why decided to digg for some informations and help to other womens that looking for loans for women business owners in similar situation, I think that is preaty obvious.

In the past, women seeking to start a small business with borrowed funds often had problems obtaining financing – regardless of how solid their business plan or credit was. Traditionally, small business lenders looked at only the numbers – specifically, the assets owned by the prospective borrower. And, let's be frank; men have typically been the ones with more legal ownership of assets. Women often bring a somewhat dissimilar set of assets to the table when looking for a loan. For this reason, small business loans for women have become increasingly popular and successful. These loans, which can be for amounts up to $250,000 or more, usually focus on the strength of the overall business plan and the woman's character, credit history, experience and reliability. The paperwork is as thorough as that of a standard small business loan, but its focus is just a bit different.
The business plan will need to be just as solid as would be necessary for a traditional small business loan and the prospective borrower must have an equally good credit rating. After that point, however, the paperwork may take a slight turn. Instead of asset assessment, these special loans for women will assess the prospective borrower's character, experience, and reliability as the potential head of a business. A strong resume or portfolio containing a good list of both business and personal character references should be included in the loan proposal package. The borrower should also be able to demonstrate both financial and work reliability.

There are also business loans for women who want to start a small home-based business. These loan packages are designed specifically for women with children who want or need to stay at home with their kids but still require an income. Loan amounts can range from $1,000 to $10,000. They, too, require a business plan and other qualifications, though the applications usually aren't as quite demanding as those for larger loans.

Additionally, small business loans to women can often be a good investment for lenders. Women typically bring special skills and management styles to business that can be successful. Furthermore, in some fields such as architecture and construction, businesses owned by women are sought out – not simply because of their minority status to fill a legal requirement but also because women bring another perspective to the job.

It's interesting to note that women are increasingly helping fund other women's business ventures. Those who've paved the way by starting and owning their own business now see other women-owned companies as good investments. There are venture capital groups in existence comprised solely of women for the purpose of investing in only women's businesses.

If you're a woman and have been unsuccessful in obtaining a traditional business loan, seek out small business loans designed specifically for women. With these specialized loans, you can count on your unique perspectives, experiences and assets being considered highly by any lender offering them. Remember, funding for your dream may be right around the corner. But it's up to you to find that 'right' corner.

Resources for women who are business owners and looking 
for affordable loan

Small Business Administration (Office of Women's Business Ownership)
( - The SBA is doing more than ever to help level the playing field for women entrepreneurs, who still face unique obstacles in the world of business. At every stage of developing and expanding a successful business, the Office of Women?s Business Ownership is here to counsel, teach, encourage and inspire.  Check out their "Hot List" of outside resources.

(  - This is a new fundraising organization that raises money from women for women.  Loans are given from $500 to $10,000 (for first time recipients the maximum amount is $5,000).  Count-Me-In looks like a great resource with funding consideration based on experience over credit history.  Check them out!  The CEO, Nell Merlino, started Take Our Daughters To Work Day in 1993.

Federal Money Retriever?
( - The premier grants and loans.database software containing information on all U. S. federal government grant and loan programs.  There is a cost for the software, but the site allows you to research some of the grant dollars that are available.  They have a specific category for grants available for women at:

The Women's Funding Network
( - Promotes the development and growth of women's funds that empower women and girls by fostering strategic alliances among women, donors, communities and institutions.

NBC Supplier Diversity Program Website
( -  This is not so much a funding opportunity, but a procurement opportunity specifically for women and minority owned businesses.  The National Broadcasting Company has launched its Supplier Diversity website to inform Minority-owned and Woman-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) of NBC's Supplier Diversity Program, and also permit MWBE suppliers of high-quality goods and services to register their companies online.  The website is is a way for us to increase the number of MWBEs we do business with.  NBC owns and operates TV Stations in the following locations: Washington, DC; Los Angeles, CA; Dallas, TX; Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA; Hartford, CT; Miami, FL; San Diego, CA; Providence, RI; Columbus, OH; Raleigh, NC; Birmingham, AL.

American Association of University Women
( - This foundation is one of the largest private sources of funding for graduate women in the world, supports aspiring scholars around the globe, teachers and activists in local communities, women at critical stages of their careers, and those pursuing professions where women are underrepresented.

The Ada Project for Women (TAP)
( - Includes information on conferences, discussion groups, organizations, fellowships, grants, and notable women in computer science.

Financial Women International
( - Provides information on professional growth, information sharing, peer networking, mentoring, leadership development, and career advancement for women.

Where to start searching Small business loans for women business?

And after You read and understud all provided informations above here is a great start point to start search for small business loans for women business owners.

Also don't forget to visit and read all useful info about this ogovernment small business loans for women site.